
Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival

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Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda FestivalMann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival


Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival is one of the most significant Pagoda festival in Upper Myanmar. It is 36 miles from Magwe to the Mann Shwe Settaw which is also well known as Mann footprint across Ayeyawaddy river bridge. Magwe.

And people from the entire nation pay Pilgrimage to the Pagoda but the Pagoda is mostly crowded within the festival time which is from the mid February to mid April. To enjoy Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda festival. if you come from lower Myanmar. please take the Yangon-Pyay motor road and go along Pathein-Monywa road after passing Nawadae Bridge.At Mann Shwe Sattaw Pagoda. you will find the upper Settawyar. the footprint of lord Buddha on the hill and the lower Settawyar. another footprint of the Buddha at the foot of the same hill.

One exhilarating experience you will get when visiting Mann Shwe Settaw is bathing in the cool. clean and sparkling waters of Mann Creek after you have had an exhausting day of pilgrimage. To go on a trip to Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival in Central Myanmar which is like an oasis in an arid zone. you will experience the feeling for a place. Which gives you respite from the torrid heat and at the same time. experience the pilgrimage to a sacred and holy place of Myanmar.

Place Magway Division
Time During April

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