What is Mingalar par?
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38 Elements of Mingalar
Some ancient writers extracted 38 points out of Buddhist teaching. and adapted into Myanmar culture to practice whenever possible. Whenever someone greet as "Mingalar par" in Myanmar. he or she virtually refers in brief that right now. there are these 38 rules are practiced right there. at the time and day of greeting.Mingalar par
The 38 Elements of Mingalar includes..
- To avoid fools.
- To stay close with wise people.
- To honour those worthy of honour
- To live in a suitable locality
- To have accumulated merits of the past
- To be rightly concentrated on onself
- To be possessed of vate vast learning
- To be possessed of skill
- To be well trained in descipline
- To be pleasent good speech
- To support mother and father
- To cherish wife and children
- To have unconfused occupation
- To gives alms
- To live righteously (or) To practice dhama
- To help relatives
- To do blameless deeds
- To avoid thinking sinful things.
- To avoid sins physically and verbally.
- To refrain from intoxicants
- To be vigilant in righteous acts
- Reverence
- Humbleness
- Contentment
- To appreciate gratitude
- Listening to dhama at proper time
- To be patient
- To be obedient
- To meet with holy persons
- To discuss the dhama at proper time
- To restrain against worldly pleasures
- To live holy and pure life
- To have in sight knowledge of four noble truths
- To realise nibana for oneself
- The mind that stands unshaken
- The mind that stands unsorrowing
- The mind that stands passionless
- The mind that stands secure when touched the worldly conditions
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