Myanmar Culture
As some defines it, "culture" defines 'way of life', meaning the way groups do things. Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. The outlook, attitudes, values, morals goals, and customs shared by a society. As described, Myanmar culture covers a wide range of areas, from festivals, religion, food, clothing, music, dances, tradition, customs, superstitions, and numerious ways of doing things.
Stereotype of Myanmar can be constructed out of Myanmar culture, however it is needed to note that Myanmar is a very heterogeneous country teamed up of 135 different nationalities all around the country, with different language, religion, and cultures too.
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What is a Man Lion?
A Man Lion is a symbol that represents the guardian of a precious place. Such as the Sphinx of the Egypt. in Myanmar theses guardians are called as Manussiha (or) the Man Lion.
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Here are some of the interesting tips for the Myanmar. These information are referred from the Calendar published by the Myanmar Traditional Calendar Advisory Committee of the Myat Mingalar Traditional Calendar. The following tips are only entitled for the year 2007. and the Myanmar year 1368-1369.
Shwe Dagon Pagoda
What is a Pagoda?
A pagoda. in Southeast Asia. is cone-shaped monumental structure built in memory of Buddha. But in the Far East. a pagoda is a tower-like. multi-storeyed structure of stone. brick. or wood. usually associated with a Buddhist temple complex. The pagoda derives from the stupa of ancient India. which was a dome-shaped commemorative monument. usually erected over the remains or relics of a holy man or king.
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Inside of a cheroot
Everyone knows the Myanmar-cigar. as the trusty dictionary says. is a tight roll of tobacco with pointed ends for smoking. But what do we call the other kind. the Say-baw-leik. or mild tobacco cigar. as the word implies? We call it cheroot. but it does not tally with the description given in the dictionary; ''cigar with both ends open". It was only one end for lighting and the other end has a filter. a small roll of dry corn-husks.
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In Myanmar, the fan is used frequently. Myanmar Traditional Fan is one of Myanmar’s traditional articles of use. We use it to cool ourselves in the hot weather and you can be rest-assured that the weather really gets hot in the summer, in Myanmar.
Home-Made Myanmar Shampoo
There was a time, not long ago when long, black glossy hair was considered the crowning glory of a Myanmar woman and the longer and thicker the growth, the better. In fact, men also wore their hair long and knotted in the days of the monarchy and even after. Short hair was considered unbecoming and indecorous especially in women. Even small girls used to wear their hair long in a small topknot encircled by a fringe.
The Myanmar term Chinlon refers to games in which a woven rattan ball about 12 cm in diameter is kicked around. It also refers to the ball itself. which resembles the takraw of Thailand and Malaysia. Informally any number of players can form a circle and keep the Chinlon airborne by kicking it soccer-style from player to player; a lack of scoring makes it a favourite pastime with Myanmar of all ages.
Myanmar has a moderate climate and is also rich in different species of flowers.
Myanmar has a tradition of kickboxing that's said to date back to the Bagan era. although the oldest written references are found in chronicles of warfare between Myanmar and Thailand during the 15th and 16th centuries. Myanmar kickboxing (Myanma Let-hwei) is very similar in style to Siamese kickboxing or Muay Thai.
When we talk about Myanmar Made Products, lets start with the attractive Myanmar Toys.
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There seems to be no end of things gotten out of the toddy palm. There is yet one product which is a popular household equipment in rural and(urban homes. It is htan-khauk-pha. htan-khauk = toddy palm frond: pha= box or basket). it is called pha for short.
A man wearing a gaung baung typical of the style in the late 1800s.
A national sport is a sport or game that is considered to be a popularly intrinsic part of the culture or is the most popular sport of a country or nation. A long time ago. Myanmar's national sports included Thaing (the martial arts of Myanmar) and Chinlon (the playing of a rattan ball in group). The characteristics of National Sports share the following rules.
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Much has been said about the institution of family in Myanmar. that it is essentially a relationship based on specific duties and responsibilities on the part of husband. wife. parents and offspring.
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It is the custom of Buddhist families to send the sons to the kyaung (monastery) where they stay for a few days as koyins (novices) receiving religious instruction under the phongyis (monks).