
Wingabaw Elephant Camp

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Wingabaw Elephant Camp - 4.8 out of 5 based on 24 votes

Wingabaw Elephant Camp

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The camp was located in Phayargyi township near Bago city where can access from Yangon-Mandalay Old road and Yangon-Mandalay express road 39 mile Junction. It’s on the way to Golden rock, Hpa an and Mawlamyine, so a short visit is worth when you are travelling to those cities.

It keeps total 17 elephants including 8 baby elephants (four are female orphanage elephants, named YU YU HTAY, MARY, PAN NU MAY, AYEYAR MAY) under the shelter.


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Entrance Fees

Local – 1,000 kyats

Foreigner – 20,000 kyats


Riding Fees

Local – 5,000 kyats

Foreigner – 20,000 kyats


Daily Schedules of the Win Ga Baw Camp

7:00 to 7:30 – Shelter Cleaning

7:30 to 8:30 – Bath time for elephants in small creek behind the camp

8:30 to 9:30 – Demonstration, Elephant show

9:30 to 11:00 – Elephant riding

16:00 to 17:00 – Bath time

17:00 to 18:30 – Elephant riding

We advise to contact the camp if you are willing to see elephant bath time for more accurate information. It depends on sun rise, sometimes they start early around 6:30 am.

Ph no: 09971444996, 0943121647, 09428151260





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