Mya Tha Lyaung Reclining Buddha
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Mya Tha Lyaung Reclining Buddha
info See the huge statue of Mya Tha Lyaung Reclining Buddha. which lies in the open with no temple or pagoda surrounding it. According to local legend. every time they wanted to construct a building over the statue. a storm brewed. preventing their efforts. Built in 2001. the statue reaches an incredible 82 m (269 ft) long. Stand next to the divine statue of the huge Buddha for a great photo opportunity. then move a bit further back to capture the whole monument in one shot. Put Mya Tha Lyaung Reclining Buddha and other Bago attractions into our Bago vacation generator. and watch your holiday take shape.
monetization_on free
watch_later Operation hours: 5:00-21:00
hourglass_full Time Needed:Approximately 1 hour
build Year established: n.a.
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place Bago
local_phone n.a.
email no email
public no web site
local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.
directions_railway Circular train: n.a.
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