Moyingyi Wetland Sanctuary
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Moyingyi Wetland Sanctuary
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info Moneyingyi Wetland Sanctuary or Moyingyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife reserve of Burma. It is located in Bago Division. It occupies an area of 100 square kilometres (40 sq mi) and was established in 1986.
Situated in Bago division about 70 miles north of Yangon by the Yangon - Mandalay highway. It is an enormous riverine wetland transformed into 40 square miles in area of water storage reservoir in 1878 and notified as Wildlife Sanctuary in 1988.
It is an important area for both resident and migratory water-birds. Census count at Moyingyi reveals some 70 species of migratory water-birds.Just at the edge of the sanctuary is the eco-friendly Moyingyi Wetlands Resort Hotel. This resort is two hours drive from Yangon. The Resort Hotel extends its warmth to Tourists. bird watchers and researchers.
monetization_on No entry fees
watch_laterOperation hours: 10:00-15:00
hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 1 hour
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The Sanctuary is one of a few non-religion tourist attractions in Bago. Only two and half hour drive from Yangon and not very far away from the center of the Bago town is a paradise for bird watchers and eco tourists. It is located in Bago and Waw townships of Bago division and along Yangon - Bago - Pyinpongyi highway.
It is a permanent freshwater lake and plays hydrological. biological and ecological role to the resident and migratory water fowls and the local people. The reservoir is constructed in 1878 for the flood control to the down Stream of Sittaung River. The wetland is above 10 m sea level and the water is from 0.85 m to 4m in deep. The whole water body is 103.6 sq km (40 sq miles) in size and established in 1988 as a wetland wild sanctuary for the protection of water fowls and their habitats.
Large assemblies of migratory and resident water birds (recorded in 128 species) are accessible to view and photograph in this Myanmar (Burma) ecotourism. birds watching and birding tours site. The best time to visit is in the winter (November to February) when most migratory bird species are present. The highlight would be large flocks of Asian Openbill. rare Painted Stork. Lesser Whistling Duck. Northern Pintail. Purple Swamphen. Cotton Pygmy Goose. Pheasant-tailed Jacana and Bronze-winged Jacana. Other specialities are resident species - rare Sarus Crane. Oriental Darter. Asian Golden Weaver. Plaintive Cuckoo. Oriental Pratincole. Little Tern. Cinnamon Bittern and Vinous-breasted Starling. and migrant birds - very rare Baer's Pochard. rare Greater Spotted Eagle. Eastern Marsh. Western Marsh Harrier. Pied Harrier. Whiskered Tern. Bluethroat. Black-browned Reed Warbler. Oriental Reed Warbler and Blunt-winged Warbler.
The reservoir supports a variety of marsh plant community including water lilies. aquatic grass and reeds which sometime break free to from floating island. A few trees and shrubs grow on the banks. Surrounding areas are paddy land. There are about 30.000 people around the reserve that are depending on the fishing and growing paddy. They mostly catch fishes such as Stripe snake- head fish. Great Snake-head fish. Grey-feather back fish. Swamp eel and Spotted spiny eel. The Myanmar endemic species of Burmese Eyed Turtle and Burmese Flap-shelled Turtle also may be viewed in the lake.
Just at the edge of Moeyungyi Wildlife Sanctuary. ecologically friendly Moeyugyi Wetlands Resort Hotel is situated. The hotel extends a warm welcome to tourists. bird-watchers and researchers. It is a perfectly convenient place to make an overnight stop either you are on bird watching trip. or on your way to the Golden Rock Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda. It is a real paradise for nature-lovers as well as holiday-makers. The hotel is a cluster of boat shaped houses built in the wetlands. It is an ideal base for wetlands excursions as boat cruises depart from there. The houses are designed to suit the native life style. The Resort offers simple. but clean rooms with air-con and attached bathroom for visitors.
build Year established: n.a.
directions Directions:
place Bago. Yangon.
local_phone n.a.
email no email
public no web site
local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.
directions_railway Circular train: n.a.
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