Kyaik Pun Pagoda
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Kyaik Pun Pagoda
info Kyaikpun Pagoda is a pagoda in the Bago Division of Burma, in the city of Bago. Most notably, Kyaik Pun Pagoda is the home to the Four Seated Buddha shrine, a 90 ft (27 m) statue depicting the four Buddhas namely Kakusandha, Konagamana, Kassapa, and Gautama seated in four positions, sitting back to back to four directions. The Four Seated Buddha was built by King Migadippa of Bago in the 7th Century AD (tradition) and renovated by King Dhammazedi in the 15th century AD.
monetization_on free
watch_later Operation hours: 5:00-21:00
hourglass_full Time Needed: Approximately 1 hour
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build Year established: n.a.
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place Bago
local_phone n.a.
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local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
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directions_railway Circular train: n.a.
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